Hypertext Markup Language
- HTML Stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is use to create web page.
- HTML is a blueprint for the website.
HTML Introduction
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard Markup language used to create web pages.
- Hypertext- Text which will take us other pages.
- Markup - Set of symbols inserted in a text documents to control it's structure, formatting.
HTML Format
<!DOCTYPE html>
HTML Heading Tag
- <h1> - The heading tag is used in HTML to define headings of a page.
<h1>Hello world!</h1> <h2>Hello world!</h2> <h3>Hello world!</h3> <h4>Hello world!</h4> <h5>Hello world!</h5> <h6>Hello world!</h6>
Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!
HTML Paragraph Tag
- <p> - Paragraph tag is used to defines a paragraph of text.
<p>This is the Paragraph</p>
This is the Paragraph
HTML Anchor Tag
- <a> - Create a Hyperlink to a web page.
- Format:
<a href=" website link ">Name of the website</a>
<a href="www.youtube.com"> YouTube </a>
HTML Image Tag
- The <img> tag is used to embed an image in an HTML page.
- Format:
<a src=" image link or location " alt="Alternative text if the image doesn't load"/>
<a src="ERS Siva.jpg" alt="ERS Siva"/>
- HTML Lists are used to specify lists of information.
- There are two different types of HTML lists: Ordered List or Numbered List (ol) Unordered List or Bulleted List (ul).
1.Ordered List
- The <ol> tag defines an ordered list.
- An ordered list can be numerical . The <li> tag is used to define each list item.
<li> Blue </li>
<li> Yellow </li>
<li> Red </li>
- Blue
- Yellow
- Red
2.Unordered List
- The <ul> tag defines an unordered list.
- An ordered list can be Bulletin Point . The <li> tag is used to define each list item.
<li> Blue </li>
<li> Yellow </li>
<li> Red </li>
- Blue
- Yellow
- Red
HTML <hr> Tag
- The <hr> tag is used to define thematic changes in the content of an html page.
- The <hr> element is most often displayed as a horizontal rule that is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page.
<h1> Hello World! </h1>
Hello World!
HTML <iframe> Tag
- An <iframe> tag is used to embed another document within the current HTML Document.
- Format:
<iframe src="Website link"></ifarme>
<iframe src="erssiva.com"></ifarme>
Here, ERS Siva Webpage :
HTML <br> Tag
- The <br> tag inserts a single line break.
HTML <center> Tag
- The <center> tag is used to text alignment in center.
- Format:
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
Hello World!
Bold Text
- HTML <b> tag is used to display the written text in bold format.
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
Italic Text
- To make text italics in HTML, use the HTML tag <em> or <i> and close the tag with </em> or </i> .
<i>வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்! </i>
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
Underline Text
- We can write it inside the start tag <u> and closing tag </u> to underline the text.
<u>வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்! </u>
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
Highlighted Text
- The <mark> tag defines text that should be marked or highlighted.
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
Delete Text Crossline
- The <s> or <del> tag defines text that has been deleted from a document. Browsers will usually strike a line through deleted text.
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
வாà®´்க தமிà®´்! வளர்க தமிà®´்!
HTML Tables
- To make a table in HTML, use the <table> tag.
- Within this table tag, you'll place the <tr>, <th>, and <td> tags.
- The <tr> tag defines a table row.
- The <th> tag defines the table header.
- The <td> tag defines the table Column.
<table border="1">
<th>Front End</th>
<th>Back End</th>
<td>Mongo DB</td>
<td>Node JS</td>
<table border="1"> <tr> <th>Front End</th> <th>Back End</th> <th>Database</th> </tr> <tr> <td>HTML</td> <td>Java</td> <td>Mongo DB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CSS</td> <td>Python</td> <td>MySQL</td> </tr> <tr> <td>JavaScript</td> <td>Node JS</td> <td>AWS</td> </tr> </table>
Front End | Back End | Database |
HTML | Java | Mongo DB |
CSS | Python | MySQL |
JavaScript | Node JS | AWS |
Input Types
- HTML 5 introduces several input types like,
- text
- Date
- DateTime
- DateTime-local
- time
- week
- month
- tel
- search
- range
- color
- number
- To improve the user experience and to make the forms more interactive.
Example 1:
<input type="name">
Example 2:
<input type="number">
Example 3:
<input type="date">
Example 4:
<!--Current date and time-->
<input type="datetime-local">
Example 5:
<!--Phone Number-->
<input type="tel">
Example 6:
<input type="color">
Example 7:
<input type="time">
Example 8:
<input type="password">
- To create an HTML form, we will use the HTML <form> element.
- It starts with the <form> tag and ends with the </form> tag.
- We can add the input elements within the form tags for taking user input.
- We can build the HTML Form use with HTML Table and input types
<h1>Register Form</h1> <form> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Name"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Age:</td> <td><input type="number" placeholder="Enter Yout Age"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>College:</td> <td> <select placeholder="Select"> <option>---Select---</option> <option>Thangavelu Engineering College</option> <option>TJ Institute of Technology</option> <option>Other Colleges</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Department:</td> <td> <select placeholder="Select"> <option>---Select---</option> <option>Artificial Intelligence and Data Science</option> <option>AIML</option> <option>Information Technology </option> <option>EEE</option> <option>Mechanic</option> <option>CSE</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type="email" placeholder="Enter Your Email"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Phone:</td> <td><input type="tel" placeholder="Enter Your Phone Number "></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date Of Birth:</td> <td><input type="date" placeholder="Date of Birth"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td><td><input type="reset"> <input type="submit"></td> </tr> </table><br> </form>
Register Form
Div Tag
- The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.
- The <div> tag is used as a container for HTML elements - which is then styled with CSS or manipulated with JavaScript.
- The <div> tag is easily styled by using the class or id attribute.
- Any sort of content can be put inside the <div> tag!
Cascading Style Sheets
- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
- CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.
- CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.
- The "cascading" refers to how multiple sheets (files) are examined in sequence to determine how the HTML elements should be presented on the screen.
Differents - HTML and CSS
HTML is used to structure the content on the web page. | CSS is used to add style to the content of a web page. |
HTML is a markup language used to create static web pages and web applications. | CSS is a style sheet language responsible for the presentation of documents written in a markup language. |
HTML is a “markup language”. | CSS is a “style sheet” |
Types of CSS
- Inline
- Internal
- External
Inline CSS
- An inline CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTML element.
- An inline CSS uses the style attribute of an HTML element.
Internal CSS
- Internal CSS is a form of CSS using which you can add CSS to HTML documents.
- It helps to design the layout of a single HTML web page and change the styles of a web page within HTML code.
External CSS
- External CSS is a form of CSS which is used to add styling to multiple HTML pages at a time.
- It helps to design the layout of many HTML web pages simultaneously.
- The external CSS is always saved with the . css extension, and through this file, we can change the complete style of our HTML web page.
- To add external CSS in HTML we use the <link>tag. We use the rel attribute to specify the relationship between the linked document and the HTML file
CSS Selectors
- Element Selector
- Class Selector
- Id Selector
- Universal Selector
1. Element Selectors
- Element selector used to select HTML element based on it's name.
Here, all <h1> elements on the page will be center-aligned, with a green text color
h1 {
text-align : center ;
color : green ;
2. Class Selectors
- The class selector selects HTML elements with a specific class attribute.
- To select elements with a specific class, write a period (.) character, followed by the class name.
In this example all HTML elements with < h1 class = " title " > will be red and justify aligned:
.title {
text-align : justify ;
color : red ;
3. Id Selectors
- The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element.
- The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element!
- To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of the element.
In this example HTML elements with < h1 id = " title " > will be red and justify aligned:
#title {
text-align : justify ;
color : red ;
4. Universal Selectors
- The universal selector (*) selects all HTML elements on the page.
The CSS rule below will affect every HTML element on the page:
* {
text-align : center ;
color : red ;
CSS Box Model
- The CSS box model is a container that contains multiple properties including borders, margin, padding, and the content itself.
- It is used to create the design and layout of web pages.
- According to the CSS box model, the web browser supplies each element as a square prism.
1. Content :
- The content of the box, where text and images appear.
Example :
In this example Content:
.ers {
color : white ;
2. Padding :
- Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent.
In this example : Padding .
.ers {
color : white ;
padding : 25px;
3. Border :
- A border that goes around the padding and content.
Example :
In this example : Border .
.ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px blue ;
color : white ;
padding : 25px;
width :170px;
height :100px;
4. Margin :
- Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent.
Example :
In this example : Margin .
.erssiva {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px blue ;
color : white ;
padding : 25px;
width :170px;
height :100px;
margin :auto;
CSS Properties
- CSS offers several features that make it simple and effective to specify different text styles, including color, alignment, spacing, decoration, transformation, etc.
1. Width :
- The width property sets the width of an element.
2. Height :
- The height CSS property specifies the height of an element.
3. Color :
- The color property specifies the color of text.
4. Font Family :
- The font-family property specifies the font for an element.
5. Text Alignment :
- The text-align property specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element ( Right/Left/Center/Justify ).
6. Font Size :
- The CSS font-size property sets the size of the text.
- It can be defined using various units like pixels (px), em units (em), rem units (rem), percentages (%), or keywords like small, large, etc.
7. Background Color :
- The background-color CSS property sets the background color of an element.
Example :
In this example Background color is orange :
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px orange;
border-radius : 20px;
background-color : orange;
8. Border Radius :
- The border-radius property defines the radius of the element's corners.
Example 1:
In this example Border Radius four values:
- First Value - Top left corner.
- Second Value - Top right corner.
- Third Value - Bottom right value.
- Fourth Value - Bottom left value.
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px violet ;
border-radius : 5px 50px 30px 15px ;
Example 2:
In this example Border Radius three values:
- First Value - Top left corner.
- Second Value - Top right corner and Bottom left corner.
- Third Value - Bottom right value.
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px violet ;
border-radius : 15px 50px 30px ;
Example 3:
In this example Border Radius two values:
- First Value - Top left and Bottom right corners.
- Second Value - Top right and Bottom left corners.
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px violet ;
border-radius : 15px 50px ;
Example 4:
In this example Border Radius One value. The value applies for all four corners :
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px violet ;
border-radius : 20px;
9. Display :
- In CSS, the display property determines how an element looks.
Here some Display Values:
1. display:inline;
Displays an element as an inline element.Any height and width properties will have no effect. This is default.
2. display:block;
Displays an element as a block element. It starts on a new line, and takes up the whole width.
3. display:inline-block;
Displays an element as an inline-level block container. The element itself is formatted as an inline element, but you can apply height and width values.
4. display:none;
The element is completely removed.
10. Overflow :
- Specifies what happens if content overflows an element's box.
Example 1:
In this example without Overflow:
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 4px red ;
border-radius: 50px;
Example 2:
In this example with Overflow:
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 4px red ;
border-radius: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
11. Border Style:
- The border-style property sets the style of an element's four borders.
- This property can have from one to four values.
Example 1:
In this example Border Style is Solid :
#ers {
border-style : solid ;
border : 8px gold ;
Example 2:
In this example Border Style is Dotted:
#ers {
border-style : dotted ;
border : 8px pink ;
Example 3:
In this example Border Style is Double:
#ers {
border-style : double ;
border : 8px purple ;
Example 4:
In this example Border Style is Dashed:
#ers {
border-style : dashed ;
border : 4px green ;
Every pain gives a lesson and Every lesson changes a person
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ERS Siva Blogger
பிறந்து சிறந்த à®®ொà®´ிகளில் சிறந்தே!
பிறந்த à®®ொà®´ி என் தாய் à®®ொà®´ி தமிà®´்!
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